Finding Camelot 

Finding Camelot 


Family and Child Development at Finding Camelot

Our Approach 

At Finding Camelot, we believe in fostering a supportive and nurturing environment for families, emphasizing a parenting approach that balances structured independence and communal support. Our philosophy is designed to help children grow into responsible, confident, and compassionate individuals who are well-integrated into the community.

Structured Independence

  • We encourage children to develop independence through age-appropriate responsibilities and activities. By gradually introducing tasks and decision-making opportunities, children learn essential life skills and gain confidence in their abilities. This structured approach helps them understand the value of independence while still feeling supported.

Communal Support

  • At Finding Camelot, we recognize the importance of a strong community in raising children. Parents are encouraged to collaborate with other families, sharing resources, knowledge, and support. This communal approach provides children with a diverse network of role models and caregivers, fostering a sense of belonging and security.

Age-Appropriate Responsibilities

  • Children are given responsibilities that match their developmental stage. Younger children might participate in simple chores and group activities, while older children can take on more complex tasks and leadership roles within the community. This progressive responsibility helps them build self-discipline and a sense of accomplishment.

Emphasis on Education and Growth

  • We prioritize educational opportunities and personal growth for children of all ages. Our communities offer access to homeschooling support, after-school programs, and extracurricular activities that cater to various interests and talents. We believe that a well-rounded education, both academic and experiential, is crucial for developing well-adjusted individuals.

Encouraging Empathy and Compassion

  • Teaching children empathy and compassion is a cornerstone of our parenting philosophy. Through communal activities and interactions, children learn to understand and respect the feelings and needs of others. This empathy-driven approach helps cultivate a community where kindness and mutual support are valued.

Safe and Nurturing Environment

  • We are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where children can thrive. Our communal living spaces are designed with safety in mind, and we implement policies that ensure a secure and supportive atmosphere for all families. This includes access to health and wellness resources, recreational facilities, and community events that promote family bonding.

Celebrating Diversity

  • Finding Camelot embraces diversity and encourages families to learn from different cultures and perspectives. This inclusive approach enriches the community experience and helps children develop a broad worldview, preparing them for a diverse and interconnected world.

By integrating these elements into our parenting approach, Finding Camelot aims to create a community where children can flourish, supported by a network of caring adults and peers. We believe that by fostering independence, empathy, and a sense of community, we can help shape the next generation of responsible, compassionate, and well-rounded individuals.