Finding Camelot 

Finding Camelot 


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4 Jul 2024

Chapter One of The Blueprint 3/3

Communal Living 

Finding Camelot’s communal living model is a practical application of socialism that operates seamlessly within capitalist frameworks. This model allows members to contribute a portion of their income to communal resources, effectively reducing individual living expenses and bolstering their ability to participate in the existing economy. This setup enhances the capitalist system without requiring change by empowering our members to recognize that their collective labor power is a critical means of production. As the owners of their own labor, members can expect to be active participants in shaping their economic realities.

This highlights how socialism can act as a stabilizing framework that supports and is supported by capitalist and governmental elements, without drawing on communist principles of enforced collectivism. The organization respects laws and uses public services, integrating with the broader system responsibly. This symbiotic relationship enhances social cohesion and economic stability, illustrating that communal living can introduce socialism into the mainstream effectively, providing a robust model that enhances collective well-being in a capitalist society without requiring systemic changes.

Nonprofit Communities 

Incorporating accommodations into membership dues, rather than charging traditional rent, serves multiple strategic purposes. Firstly, structuring payments as membership dues transforms these expenditures into tax-deductible contributions, providing financial benefits to members and aligning with the nonprofit's mission. Secondly, each member contributing directly the financial stability of the household helps shift the dynamic from neighbors simply living side by side to teammates working together towards common goals. This redefinition fosters a stronger community bond and encourages a collaborative approach to managing shared living spaces and resources, reinforcing the communal ethos of mutual support and shared responsibility.

This model not only challenges the traditional real estate paradigms but also presents a replicable and innovative approach to housing that can significantly impact the broader market. By emphasizing cooperation over competition and collective well-being over individual gain, publicly operated housing can become a cornerstone for reforming housing systems to be more humane, supportive, and aligned with broader social needs.

1 Jul 2024

Chapter One of The Blueprint 2/3

Introducing Socialism

Socialism, as a concept, aims to promote an equal distribution of opportunities and an equitable distribution of resources, relying on voluntary cooperation among all members of a community. At its core, socialism is about empowering the majority class and removing the disparities created to serve an elite minority. Unlike capitalism and communism, which both feature distinct classes that wield power and control, true socialism operates without a ruling elite. It strives for a balance where every individual has equal standing and opportunities within their community.

The distinction between socialism and communism is particularly important to understand. While both aim to distribute resources equitably, communism often involves a centralized authority that imposes economic and social policies on its citizens. This top-down approach can lead to a power concentration that is fundamentally at odds with the principles of socialism. In a truly socialist setting, cooperation and collective decision-making are key. Every member of the community has a say in how resources are distributed, and participation is always voluntary. The moment policies or practices are enforced upon those who are unwilling or uninterested, the system begins to shift towards communism. By understanding and embracing these principles, we can foster a community that genuinely reflects the values of cooperation, equality, and shared prosperity, distinguishing our approach from other systems that rely on hierarchical control or economic compulsion.

How They Work Together 

The debate that has historically polarized societies revolves around the control over the means of production; capitalism is often heralded as the pinnacle of freedom and prosperity, whereas communism is often portrayed negatively due to its association with authoritarian governance. However, at Finding Camelot, our understanding of these systems is rooted in the belief that none can stand effectively alone. We don't view socialism as a midpoint between capitalism and communism, but as an essential framework that supports and balances both. In our vision, capitalism provides the driving force of innovation and economic activity—while communistic government bureaucracy distributes resources essential for the greater community's survival. Socialism provides the necessary support and framework that ensures that the strength of capitalism and the resource distribution of communism are aligned with the ethical goals of society.

This tripartite approach is integral to our philosophy at Finding Camelot. We believe that enduring stability and prosperity can only be achieved when these systems work in harmony, each supporting the other to create a balanced and fair society. Our vision of Camelot finds its fullest expression in a communal society that values both personal initiative and collective responsibility. This integrated approach ensures that we don’t just survive, but that we thrive together, building our vision of a society that mirrors the mythical ideals of Camelot.

27 Jun 2024

Chapter One of The Blueprint 1/3

Both capitalism and communism are economic systems that, despite their fundamental ideological differences, center around the control of the means of production—materials, equipment, and labor—to determine who holds power within the society.

Capitalism promotes private ownership of the means of production. Individuals and corporations own and operate businesses, and market forces such as supply and demand determine the allocation and price of goods. While capitalism is celebrated for encouraging innovation and economic efficiency through competition, it often leads to wealth being concentrated in the hands of a minority. These owners, or capitalists, derive their power from their control over production and their ability to accumulate wealth, often leading to significant disparities in wealth and power within society.

Communism, in contrast, advocates for the means of production to be owned collectively by the state. The theory suggests that this collective ownership would prevent the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, promoting a classless society where resources are distributed based on need. However, in practice, the implementation of communism often results in a different form of concentrated power. The state, acting as the proxy for the community, controls all economic decisions. This centralized control can lead to a bureaucratic elite who, while not owners in the capitalist sense, still control production and hold significant power over the distribution of resources.

In both systems, the majority's labor fuels the economy, but a minority—whether the capitalist class in capitalist systems or the bureaucratic elite in communist systems—exercises control over this labor and reaps most of the benefits. This dynamic highlights a common issue across differing economic systems: the unbalanced concentration of power leads to a disproportionate influence by a minority over the majority.

The Genius the Founding Fathers

The United States was designed with a unique structure by its founding fathers, a system crafted to ensure that no single elite minority could dominate the levers of power unchecked. The founders instituted a series of checks and balances, both to manage the power dynamics between the branches of government and to ensure that various elite groups counterbalanced each other in their struggle for influence. This foundational principle was aimed at preventing the concentration of power and promoting a form of governance where different interests would have to negotiate and compromise, theoretically maintaining a balance that protected the majority's interests.

For much of American history, this system functioned effectively, allowing the majority classes to live, work, and thrive relatively unhindered by the power struggles at the higher echelons of society. The diverse interests and factions within the elite minority were in a constant state of competition, which inadvertently safeguarded the broader populace from the potential excesses of any single powerful group. However, by the end of the 20th century, substantial financial influence began to infiltrate governmental mechanisms more aggressively. The increasing merger of economic power with political influence marked a pivotal transformation in the American political landscape. The growing alignment of interests between these two spheres of influence meant that the mechanisms designed to prevent any single group's dominance were becoming less effective, compromising the democratic ethos that was supposed to underpin American governance.

This development has led to an alarming concentration of wealth and a significant manipulation of the public through the polarization of our political process. Such dynamics challenge the foundational principles established by America's founding fathers and undermine the integrity of our democratic systems. By joining our community, members contribute to a collective effort that seeks to rebalance power and reduce inequality.

24 Jun 2024
The Blueprint, Cover

The Blueprint, Cover

Introduction of The Blueprint

Here at Finding Camelot, we are not just providing necessities; we are creating a network where collaboration, support, and people flourish. Our mission is to foster an environment that promotes individual growth and creates a shared understanding of what we owe the world around us. As a member of Finding Camelot, you join a diverse and vibrant community dedicated to mutual respect, shared responsibility, and collective well-being. This Blueprint is a valuable resource as you settle into your new home and become an active participant in shaping the future of our world.

Welcome to Finding Camelot — where cooperation and independence coexist in harmony.

Creating Camelot - An Overview 

Our quest began during a period filled with political upheaval, when leaders often manipulated public sentiment through fear or grandiose promises. This environment highlighted the urgent need for a reliable and authentic alternative to conventional societal structures.

Finding Camelot is inspired by the legendary Camelot, a symbol of integrity, harmony and shared prosperity. We draw on this tale as our blueprint for reimagining reality and creating living spaces that extend beyond simple housing projects; it represents our dedication to creating the future we envision through what we do today. Our communities promote individual empowerment within a collective framework, where contributions benefit the whole, emphasizing collaboration over compulsion, and deeds over declarations. Involvement in our community is always on an at-will basis, underscoring the importance of choice in cultivating a genuine cooperative spirit. This principle of voluntary participation is fundamental, as obligatory involvement would compromise the very ethos of trust and respect our community stands for.

In our quest for Camelot, we aim to discover this idyllic state and to teach the world how to create it for themselves. By nurturing environments where individuals can coexist and flourish harmoniously, we aspire to redefine communal life, creating a model where comfort and luxury also reflect our highest values and collective goals. 

What We Need to Grow - Our Mission 

It is known that significant barriers to personal growth often arise during times of stress; old, less constructive mechanisms resurface when we are struggling to cope. Recognizing that continuous stress, especially financial, can stifle the potential for personal transformation, we strive to create environments that reduce the pressures of modern life. By alleviating financial uncertainties and creating supports that prioritize autonomy, we empower our members to succeed in their transition out of survival mode and into a version of themselves that they are proud of.

Our community supports each member in navigating stressful situations with consistent encouragement, reflective practices, and mutual support; we help individuals build resilience and adopt adaptive strategies aligned with their core values. This collective approach not only strengthens society but also ensures that members do not need to clear their paths at the expense of others. Instead, they are provided with a well-defined route that fosters cooperative and harmonious progression, allowing everyone to flourish and contribute positively to the broader community fabric.

Teaching the Things We Don't Know - Community Ethos 

As we stand at a crucial crossroads in the development of our global society, the emotional tools required to coexist peacefully on a planet with a population surpassing 7 billion are not universally understood. Some have only a tentative grasp of this essential knowledge, while others remain completely unaware. Despite this gap, the urgency to pass these skills to the next generation remains unchanged. The communal living model at Finding Camelot offers a unique solution through its inherent social structure, fostering a system of gentle, organic accountability.

Living communally allows children to be exposed to a variety of adult role models. They witness firsthand a range of interpersonal interactions and management styles, observing what works and what doesn’t within a rich tapestry of contexts. This exposure allows the children to make informed decisions about the type of adult they aspire to be, rather than modeling their behavior solely on a limited set of examples from their immediate family environment, who may or may not possess effective adulting skills. This approach not only diversifies the learning and developmental environment for our children but also embeds them in a community where accountability and personal growth are part of everyday life. It creates a vibrant, interactive backdrop for children to learn the critical life skills needed to navigate an increasingly complex world. 

24 Jun 2024

Celebrating the Launch of Our New Website!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the new Finding Camelot website! This marks a significant milestone in our journey to create a supportive, vibrant community through innovative communal living solutions. Our new online presence is designed to provide you with all the information you need about our mission, membership options, and the exciting features of our unique living environment.

Explore Our Vision

Our new website offers a comprehensive overview of Finding Camelot’s vision. Learn about our commitment to fostering economic stability, personal growth, and community well-being. Discover how our communal living model is transforming lives and revitalizing communities.

Membership Made Easy

We’ve made it easier than ever to explore our various membership options. Whether you’re interested in our basic or deluxe memberships, or looking to learn more about our CareShare and MealShare programs, our website provides clear and detailed information to help you make the best choice for your lifestyle.

Stay Informed and Engaged

Our website is also a hub for staying informed about the latest news and updates from Finding Camelot. Check out our blog for insights into our communal living philosophy, upcoming events, and stories from our members. We believe in transparency and open communication, and our blog is a great way to stay connected with what’s happening in our community.

Join Us on This Journey

As we celebrate the launch of our new website, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Explore the site, learn about our offerings, and consider becoming a part of the Finding Camelot community. Together, we can build a brighter future through the power of communal living.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to welcoming you to Finding Camelot!

20 Jun 2024

My Dream of Finding Camelot

Since becoming a partial quadriplegic in 2011, I have gained a unique perspective on the challenges our world faces and imagined innovative solutions to address them. My experiences have fueled my dedication to transforming the financial landscape by creating affordable, luxurious , communal spaces through Finding Camelot. My commitment to fostering economic stability and personal growth for working-class individuals and families is at the heart of this initiative.

My passion and values have driven the ideas behind Finding Camelot. I firmly believe that providing a hand up is the key to helping people succeed, and communal living is the way to achieve this. I focus on creating living environments that fit seamlessly within the surrounding community and support individual development. Through Finding Camelot, my goal is to offer spaces that go beyond mere shelter, fostering a sense of belonging and personal growth for everyone involved.
