Finding Camelot 

Finding Camelot 


Exciting Renovation Updates at Finding Camelot 

Finding Camelot, Property 001

Finding Camelot, Property 001

Property 001

This property is currently owned by a member of the Finding Camelot Board and we have leased it with the intent to buy. The lease agreement lets us complete the renovations necessary for comfortable, communal living. Currently, the house is 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms; the bathroom on the second floor is 

Property 001 Basement Renovation

  • The yellow block is the most significant construction that is planned. The property is on a significant incline so, to address erosion issues, the open basement will be extended to include an additional member suite with private office.
  • The orange block is already the lower yard. Paving it and installing outdoor entertaining features are the only things planned.
  • The green block is currently a small garage that can barely accommodate most modern vehicles. It will be converted into a member suite.
  • The purple block is the location of the driveway. The plan is to keep the strip nearest the house as the sidewalk to the lower entrance and landscape the rest.
  •  The red block is the planned location of a future second kitchen but it isn't a priority unless the funds are available 
  • The blue block is a household bathroom that is currently almost complete; it just needs to be tiled.
  • The rooms that are not color-coded are finished already.
Finding Camelot, Property 001, Basement Renovation Floor Plan

Finding Camelot, Property 001, Basement Renovation Floor Plan