Finding Camelot 

Finding Camelot 


Enhance Your Experience with Membership Add-ons

At a Glance

  • Dependent Add-on: Supports members with children or other dependents, fostering growth and independence in a communal environment with age-appropriate responsibilities.
  • Room Credit Add-onOffers flexibility in living arrangements by allowing members to purchase additional room credits for enhanced privacy and amenities.
  • Meal Plan Add-on: Allows basic members to receive 25 additional meals for $100 by assisting with meal preparation, reducing individual cooking responsibilities.

Dependent Add-on

The dependent add-on at Finding Camelot is designed to support members with children or other dependents, providing a structured approach to communal child-rearing. Dependents benefit from age-appropriate levels of responsibility, independence, and privacy, fostering their growth within the community. This add-on ensures that all dependents are housed communally, receiving care and support regardless of their contribution to the household. The aim is to convey to children that they are worthy of support and care while providing enough privacy to grow up but not enough to be a grown-up. This approach also frames adulthood as a desirable goal, addressing the 'failure to launch' phenomenon affecting some of today's youth. Further details on the dependent add-on are available in The Blueprint, the household guide and membership handbook.

Room Credit Add-on

The room credit add-on at Finding Camelot offers members the flexibility to customize their living arrangements by allowing them to secure additional privacy and amenities. Rooms are rated primarily on the privacy of the facilities they offer, particularly bathroom arrangements, and are classified as one, two, or three credit rooms. Deluxe members receive two room credits with their membership, while basic members receive one. Members can purchase additional credits to upgrade their accommodations, ensuring their living conditions meet their personal preferences. This system recognizes privacy as a valuable commodity and allows members to tailor their environment to suit their needs. More details on the room credit add-on can be found in The Blueprint, the household guide and membership handbook.

Meal Plan Add-on

The meal plan add-on at Finding Camelot allows basic members to enhance their communal dining experience. Basic membership requires members to prepare dinner for the household once a month, in exchange for receiving five communal meals per month, averaging one meal per week. With the meal plan add-on, members receive an additional 25 meals for $100. Participation in this add-on involves assisting the scheduled member with meal preparation, adhering to the same volunteer hour system as the MealShare program. This ensures that members contribute meaningfully to the community while enjoying more communal meals and minimizing their individual cooking responsibilities. Detailed information about the meal plan add-on is available in The Blueprint, the household guide and membership handbook.